• ggspublicschool@gmail.com
  • 90530-00584

School Brochure

School Aims
We believe that learning should take place in a happy, caring and stimulating environment in which staff, children, parents and the local community have important roles to play. To this end we aim:

To provide a happy, caring environment in which both children and adults feel secure and valued, where they will find satisfaction and pleasure in their work and where learning will flourish.

To ensure continuity and progression within the curriculum and provide opportunities for children to develop an understanding of the world and their influence upon it.

To enable children to develop lively, enquiring minds and the ability to question and discuss rationally and to apply themselves to realistic tasks and challenges.

To encourage individuals to celebrate their own and others’ achievements and to develop a wider appreciation of human fulfilment and aspiration.

To enable both children and staff to fulfil their potential and in so doing, acquire knowledge, skills, concepts and attitudes which will be relevant throughout their lives.

To help children develop spiritually and morally, drawing inspiration from, and developing tolerance of, world religions, cultures and ways of life.

To develop each individual as a caring, concerned and contributing member of the community.
Statement of Intent for the Curriculum
Our children are encouraged to be creative and therefore every opportunity is taken to develop their confidence, knowledge, self-esteem and life skills through technology, physical education and the creative and performing arts.

Leadership has a well-founded understanding of the priorities for the school and have put in place clear plans to drive further improvement. Leadership has created an inclusive school ethos where students’ academic and personal needs are paramount. Students feel safe, grow in confidence, and develop good learning behaviours. This is because everyone in the school nurtures and meets students’ social and emotional needs. Staff and Management are aspi-rational for students’ learning, setting high expectations for achievement.

Safeguarding is effective
Atmosphere here afford the highest priority to keeping students safe. Safeguarding policy and practice are frequently reviewed to ensure that processes are secure and best practice is main-trained. Rigorous checks are carried out for all. Parents and staff agree that students’ behaviour at the school is good.

The academic needs of our children is supported by our very good personal and social education. The children are encouraged and taught to have a responsible and caring attitude towards one another. Older children can become playground guardians, wet playtime monitors, school office monitors as well as other responsibilities. All classes have councils where matters important to them can be discussed and, if necessary, ideas brought to the attention of the Head Teacher. Class Councils have been instrumental in providing new bins in the playground, having new blinds put up at the windows, charity fund raising, etc.

  • Achieving Healthy School Status demonstrates that we are meeting the standards and criteria in four main themes:
  • Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
  • Healthy Eating
  • Physical Activity
  • Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Learning journeys are gathered for each child over their first year in school. The evidence is gathered from observations of the children during both formal and informal activities. This can include annotated photographs, notes from observations, detailed learning stories and examples of children’s work. This evidence is used to inform our assessment and ensures that we are able to plan activities which meet both the child’s interests and needs.
Assessments of children’s skills and abilities are carried out on entry, during and when they leave the Reception class. This information is used by staff to plan appropriate work and enable children to have access to a variety of activities.

Our children are encouraged to be creative and every opportunity is taken to develop their confidence, knowledge, self-esteem and life skills through technology, physical education and the creative and performing arts. Through the curriculum we aim to celebrate diversity and challenge discrimination.


Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process and is a tool which aids our planning for learning. We track children’s achievement, attitude and progress closely. Children are encouraged to work with teachers to identify where they are with their learning, what their targets are, and what steps they need to take in order to achieve their targets. We set medium and short term targets with the children which personalises their learning so that they can achieve their full potential.

  • At GGS, we believe that extra curricular opportunities help to enrich the school and learning experience. Most of our after school clubs are run on the school premises by other providers who have been vetted and checked. Opportunities differ from term to term and include:

Special features

  • Football Choir
  • Art Club Orchestra
  • Archery
  • Cricket
  • Karate
  • Taekwondo
  • Science Club
  • Maths Club
  • Language Club
Awards and Star of the Week
GGS we believe very much in a system based on reward and praise. We hold a weekly celebration assembly where children can share their success. Children earn various awards in school, including stamps, certificates from staff and our Playground Guardians, awards linked to sporting achievements and our Star of the Week award. The children are encouraged to enjoy sharing in success and to continue working hard at all they do.
Reporting to Parents
Teachers, parents and children meet termly to discuss children’s individual medium term targets and progress towards their end of year targets. In July parents receive a written report summarising their child’s achievements for the year and indicating areas for further progress in the next year.
GGS Primary School we believe that homework is an essential part of children’s learning. Although we fully recognise the need for rest and the importance of developing outside interests, we also acknowledge that homework can play an active part in developing the knowledge and skills of our children.
Keeping Parents Informed
Parents are kept informed of news and school events through our regular calls and circulars which are sent home. This is also uploaded onto our website.
Contact Information
It is essential that the school holds up-to-date contact information. Please remember to inform the school office if you move house or your telephone number/s change.